Dec 21, 20246 min read
Wrapping Up
The best team! Robilert, Alex, Brian to my left, Lilly and Josephine to my right Dear All, Warm greetings from Kampala, where I am...
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Nov 16, 20243 min read
Buy Crafts from Refugees and Hosts
Dear All, I hope this finds you well! Instead of a blog post this week, I would like to share a fundraising opportunity. One of my...
158 views4 comments

Nov 1, 20244 min read
A Beautiful October
Sclerocarya birrea, seen from a sunrise run in Imvepi Dear All, Welcome back, and I hope this is finding you well! I am writing to you...
124 views16 comments

Oct 4, 20247 min read
Stories from the Field: September
A South Sudanese refugee, Muzee, with rope meticulously woven from food ration bags Dear all, As always, I hope this finds you well!...
117 views3 comments

Sep 15, 20246 min read
Back to the Bush
Research assistant Alex helping a participant load 79 pounds of firewood on her head Dear All, Welcome back! I am happy to be writing...
126 views6 comments

Aug 19, 20246 min read
Travels to Tanzania
With Theresia Matinda, my sister of thirteen years, in front of her craft store in Iringa, Tanzania Dear friends, Welcome back! A...
203 views12 comments

Jul 20, 20246 min read
Stories from the Field: Early July
Searching for firewood in a remote part of Zone 3 Dear All, Welcome back! I hope that your July has been well so far. May, June, and the...
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